🎋Tips to make life lighter and more complete (yes! It’s possible!)🌱

Thiago Guedes
2 min readSep 2, 2021



1. Never greet anyone without get up.
2. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
3. If you are trusted with a secret, keep it.
4. Return with a full tank of the car you borrowed.
5. Do things with passion or don’t do them.
6. When you hand salute, be firm and looking into the eyes.
7. Live the experience of taking a trip alone.
8. Never reject a mint pill, the reasons are obvious.
9. Take tips if you want to get old.
10. Get close to eating time with the new person in the office.
11. When you write to someone in anger, finish and read again, then erase and do it again.
12. At the table, don’t talk about work, politics or religion.
13. Be Fair, defend those who are abused without abuse.
14. Write down your goals and then work towards them.
15. Defend your point of view without offending or insulting, tolerant and respectful towards others.
16. Call and visit your parents, children, family and friends, don’t waste your time waiting for them to do it first.
17. Never regret anything, learn from everything.
18. In moments or days of solitude, relax, enjoy and learn.
19. Honor and loyalty are basic to your personality.
20. Don’t lend money to people who know they won’t pay you.
21. Believe in something.
22. Make your bed when you get up in the morning.
23. Sing in the shower.
24. Take care of a plant or garden.
25. Watch the sky whenever you can.
26. Discover your skills and explain them.
27. Love your job, or leave it.
28. Ask for help when you need it.
29. Teach someone a value, preferably a child.
30. Appreciate and thank those who kiss your hand.
31. Be kind to your neighbors.
32. Make someone’s day happier.
33. Compete with yourself.
34. Give something minimal once a year.
35. Take care of your health.
36. Greetings with a smile always.
37. Think fast but speak slowly.
38. Don’t talk with your mouth full.
39. Clean your shoes and cut your nails.
40. Don’t opine on topics you don’t know about.
41. Never mistreat an animal.
42. Speak up in the face of injustice.
43. Never miss the wonderful opportunity to be silent.
44. Recognize someone for their effort.
45. Be humble above all else.
46. ​​Never forget where you come from.
47. Travel whenever possible.
48. Yield the step.
49. Dance in the rain.
50. Seek your success without giving up.

PLUS and finally: how old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? Think about it! 💚

